Conflict is Good. Healthy Even.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how we all seem to have two aspects of our selves, both conflicting very much to one another. If one says something, the other likes to contradict with that. It may not seem so obvious when looked at on the surface, but sooner or later we have to give in to the idea of contradiction. If there's one thing for certain that's uncertainty. It's the very nature of human being to keep contradicting with oneself. We must have watched in television a character that imagines himself/herself as the devil and the angel at the same time, the devil trying to bring out the evil in you and the angel doing quite the opposite. It's not always the devil/angel though that keeps certainty at bay. Sometimes you feel as if you live two different lives. You are awed by the difference. Like I was, yesterday. I was walking the streets of Jamal and there seemed to be a commotion of sorts at the junction. There were people abound, may be a serious argu...