
Imagine you are trapped inside a mobile cylindrical glass chamber. Everyone is. That is the norm. The only form of communication is gestures. While most people you know and interact with reside within a clear sort of glass container, the container that you grew up inside is a little cloudy; so much so that one can't see the inside very properly. Everyday, every time you have to interact with someone, they have a problem understanding you because they can't really make out your body movements. It's frustrating to say the least. It is not your fault that you arrived in a murky container. It's quite unfortunate that people must make fun of how abnormal your gestures come out across to them. It becomes so disheartening that you start communicating lesser and lesser until one day you just stop trying to reach out. You and your dirty container. That is the struggle of having speech impediment. As a child I more or less grew up with this condition. I don't have...