Resolutions 2018

2018 is going to be a complicated year. Here’s why. Last year, I had tried putting my Instagram profile on private. It lasted a few days before I decided privacy in social media isn't for me. For one, I am a story teller; I like telling stories about the places I have been to, things I love doing. Moreover, I have also found that I like people more when they are open about their lives in a balanced manner (which I believe is what I do). Now, my pictures are out there for anyone who cares to see. The question is, are there too many of them? This year, I have decided I will have a go at abstain-ism. Insta-stories have arrived just in the nick of time. I had resolutely resolved to not have any resolutions this year. My reason was, at this stage in life, you don’t have resolutions; you have checklists. But as the first month of the year is wearing down, my mind has been nagging me to set some resolutions, anything. Now here comes the complicated bit. As much as my mind...