Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6: Thoughts

[Contains Spoilers] The credit sequence gave me chills because there would be no more of Game of Thrones. George RR Martin had said that the ending was going to be bittersweet and it already started to feel like it. They still show Last Hearth in the credit sequence, which nobody knows why. Winterfell is still in ruins and this time, so is King's Landing. We start the episode with Tyrion walking the streets of King's Landing gingerly, looking at all the destruction that Dany has brought to the city. It's started snowing or it is still raining ash. Behind him are Davos and Jon. At a point, Tyrion leaves them to go somewhere on his own. Davos and Jon find Grey Worm and the Unsullied executing the remaining five Lannister soldiers. Jon tries to stop Grey Worm and the situation gets very tense and it looks like the allied forces are not allied anymore. Davos suggests they, him and Jon go speak to the Queen and they leave. We see Tyrion picking his way throug...