The road less traveled 🎧

I am reading "Bridge Burning and Other Hobbies" by Kitty Flanagan at the moment. But what I'm reading has nothing to do with this post, where and how I'm reading it has everything to do with the reason I'm sitting down to write today. I'm reading this book with an app on my phone. And I have been reading books on my phone for over a year now. The reason? A big fat juicy convenience. If you were to ask my reading preference a year ago, I would have told you, without missing a heartbeat, that I preferred reading paperbacks more than ebooks. Today, I wouldn't be so fast in answering that question. When I first started reading on the onset of my teenage, the only reading option I ever had was whatever I could get from the library at school. My parents never bought us books out of the school curriculum. Even though I went to one of the biggest schools in my country, and even though the library there used to feel massive, I had pretty much been through mo...