
"Endeavor".....one of the most celebrated words in my life. I'm no blogger, but I try. This,I believe is one of those things in my life that's going to keep me occupied for a while..obsessed,even..and like every other of my obsessions,is going to fade and thrown away into the corner of "I'm going to do it later" list...and I have a long one at that.

I didn't know what to write in my blogs and I thought and thought about it. In the end I just decided I'd make it into my public diary(been a while since I jotted into my Private Diary)..I'm bored already.

This is like a draft but I'm publishing it anyways...the start of my Endeavors.


  1. i for one, am waiting for u to write more!! i know a good thing wn i see one... that's a hint!! now write:P


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