Hyena: Doglike, but like no dog anyone would want as a pet.
I am in the middle of reading "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. And I have come across this very intriguing description of this predator we all love to hate: hyena. Frankly speaking, I could not even begin to give a description close to what Mr. Martel has here, although it's obvious that I am not a writer of his caliber. I was impressed by the description he gave earlier in the book for three toed sloths, reminding me of my sister (who broke out to laughing at the similarity; we were in joking terms anyways) but sloths haven't had much influence in my life as much as hyenas have. I'm not saying I am drawn to the animals myself. My dad watches too much of National Geographic and Animal Planet to let us the snippets off of the wildlife in MasaiMara. Of course we hate hyenas; my mom top on the list. So here it is: the spotted hyena. I am not one to hold a prejudice against any animal, but it is a plain fact that the spotted hyena is not well served by its...
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