“Joy is the best makeup.”
— Anne Lamott

I am a member of this website called goodreads.com. If you follow me in twitter, you will see that I mark the pages of the books I am currently reading. See, this website is not just about books, it is also about quotes. And they feature a quote every day. Today, 5th of June, they had featured the quote by Anna Lamott that I have taken the privilege to copy and paste at the top. Joy is the best make up, now isn’t it? I mean what could look more lovely on a person that a smile?

I am writing after such a long time and it is giving me such joy.  I bet not a fortune worth of make up couldn’t make me more beautiful than this. Of course I have a truck full of other stuffs that make me happy. Tweeting makes me happy. Reading does it too. But enough about me. Lets talk about you. What do you like doing? Whatever it is, you should start doing it. If you have already started, never feel guilty and never stop doing it. Life is too short to wallow on sadness and block happiness from coming to you, is what I tweeted this morning. It is true too. As long as you are happy, you will look beautiful. No matter how much makeup you apply on yourself, if you are not happy from within, it will not show on your face. If you smile, let it reach your eyes. How bad could be things? You can always sort it out. There ain’t a problem in anyone’s life which was not manufactured without its twin brother: its solution. I know it’s pretty easy to yap about being happy and remaining so but unless we try, really give it our best shot, we’ll never know. Sure, it’s not easy all the time. But we have to change our perspectives and look with happy eyes at how joyous this world can be.

So stay happy and always wear a makeup called Joy!


  1. Mentally bookmarked. Nothing comes automatic - including happiness! =)) Face the sun and you'll get your share of sunshine. Stay insanely happy saathi!!!


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