*no title*

*With Arms wide Open*

Those who frequent my blog (which I'm sure there are few) will know that I keep this section where I write what I am doing at the moment. Even those who do visit the page do not notice it. Anyways, in that section, I was supposed to write where I work, or what project I am involved in und so weiter, but being a foolhardy reader than I am, I have chosen to write what I am "reading" at the moment. And right now, it says, Reading "Perfect Match" by Jodi Picoult, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, AND "The Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. Of course, this is not to prove that I read a lot, but I just like to keep track.

Coming to the point, it's been a while since I started reading the ones by Jodi Picoult and Audrey Niffenegger. It was already beyond my capability to be reading more than one book at a time that I added one more. I used to envy those who have read so much and can read multiple books at a time. But then I used to think, what's the fun in there? I mean you couldn't possibly invest your interest in more than one plot at a time. Then there came a time when I had to read at work too. I mean I'm not so proud of this, but I do get some spare time and I like to read while listening to some good music. I can't possibly read a paperback at work, so I had to stick to PDF copies, and that struck a habit. Moreover, reading more than one book is almost similar to watching two dramas at one time. We do that all the time. Anyways, that says all for two reads at a time. But what about the third wheel? Well, "To Kill a Mockingbird" had been in my "To-read" list for a while now and one day (recently) I saw a friend reading it, so I jumped at it. She gave it to me but it also came with a deadline. *Gosh, I hate deadlines* I had to finish it within 3 days. I thought, piece of cake. Today is the 6th day and I'm still reading it. I got a 3 day extension but like the uh-not-so-noble CA members of Nepal, I haven't been able to finish my task. There are a lot of reasons I should've finished it a while ago. (1.) It is a popular book and it'll look jolly good on my "Read" shelf (2.) I have two absolutely and amazingly interesting books waiting to be read ("Perfect Match" and "The Time Traveller's Wife") (3.) I want people to marvel at my reading speed..haha This is funny but true...I mean I'm not trying to be vain or anything, and I'm actually not such a fast reader, just a zealous one. But I have some record breaking history in finishing books and I was counting on that. So what IS keeping me from finishing this one? Here are the reasons. (1.)*I'm sorry but for some reason unknown* I'm not quite enjoying it. May be it is cause>>> (2.)I'm under pressure to finish it, and *I have mentioned before* I hate deadlines. (3.) It is an old book and I'm not too fond of ancient reads...I liked "The Picture of Dorian Gray" a lot but not this one...not yet that is (4.)My sister has brought this ooh-so-Ra.Mai.Lo Korean drama and she won't watch it alone so, I have to devote some of my time there as well and lastly, (5.) I have found its soft copy so I'm not so much under pressure now...and I know I'm going to take my own sweet time to finish this one now. *wink wink*

Bottom-line is...oh, there is no bottom-line; thank you for making it this far. This was one of my eccentricities. Actually this is mundane stuff; everyone goes through undertakings like this. Stuffs like this keep me busy and I like to write about them sometimes. And see, it is so casual that I can’t even find a title for it. J Good day folks. 

An addition; Since I was so impatient a while ago, I posted the blog, without adding this picture cause the page was giving me a hard time to open. Here's an interesting and a fitting picture for me.


  1. To be honest dear, I'm a lazy book reader. I don't even finish my study material in work or at college. The only book I have ever completed are few of Enid Blyton, M & B, Seto Baagh, Basanti, The Count of Monte Christo, Agatha Christie's book. Apart from that I'm truly the laziest reader. Happy reading your so long awaited book. Enjoy

    1. Thank you..and btw, I'm not so fond of reading my course books either, just whatever that you can count as "out-of-course" books :) You have your own set of hobbies and that is good; one should always do what they enjoy.

  2. hmm.. your reflections are honest enough.. i'm hoping to finish it in 3 days once i start reading it.. and u know what, I too hate ''deadlines!''...(from goodreads)

    1. Best of luck, then..looks like you'll finish it before I will. :)

    2. haha your pace is actually making me suspect the enjoyability of that book! I wonder is it that boring! :)

    3. It's not THAT boring...I'm just busy is all..Read it yourself already. :D


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