What I love about the rain

If you know me, you'll be surprised by the title of the blog. I hate rain. Period. But you've got to know that there ARE things that I do love about the rain. If I think about it, I don't hate rain, per se. I just don't like to be in it. That brings me to the first reason why I love rain.

I love watching the rain drops from inside the window of my house. Office/School/CafĂ© etc? Nope. That would mean I had to be out in the rain sooner or later. I love being inside the safety of the house and watching the rain fall, and listening to the pitter patter. I love seeing the world being washed clean. Now here's a thought; does rain wash or makes it more dirty. If you ask an average Nepali, they'd say that rain makes it more dirty…the mud et al. If you ever catch yourself in monsoon in the Kathmandu valley, you'll see what I mean. The roads aren't built properly, so walking in Kathmandu during monsoon is a muddy-mushy business. *One of the reasons I'm not too fond of it* But why ponder on hate, let’s get back to love, eh? What else do I love?

The coolness it brings with it, after the episode of heat of the relentless summer. What a relief!

The droplets the rain leaves after it's stopped (Already gone to the end *wink wink*) I love to feel the cool leftover water droplets over a railing, over the balcony seat, on the leaves of the plants….let’s just say everywhere.

The green-ness after the rain. I love it the way everything seems so green and so fresh after rain. If you have started to wonder why I am going on about what I love about what happens after rain and not while it is happening then I’d like to enlighten you that everything that I have been describing till now happens when it does rain, so there's no letting rain off the hook.

The fresh smell of mud after rain. I used to find this odd; I mean who loves the smell of mud? I did some research and turns out many love this particular smell. Strange, but true. I even have read about this. What's more strange is that they have a facebook page for this: I LOVE SMELL OF MUD AFTER RAIN!!!! Not so popular, but hey, not so uncommon either.

The rainbow!! Must I explain more on this? C'mon everyone loves rainbow. Let’s not get into the science and bore you by telling how and why it occurs. Let’s just be content that it does. And be thankful for the happiness it brings about in just about anyone who happens to see it.

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow."

Last but not the least and certainly the best. Behold, the sun rays that penetrate the gray rain-laden clouds. I am in love with this sight. I wish for rain just for this phenomenon. Whenever I see it, it just takes my breath away. It feels like a sign that no matter how gray your life is, happiness is like a bright sunshine that can come pierce a hole through your mountain of sadness. I have had near accidents just because I was standing like a maniac gaping at the sky for this spectacular view on the way to work one fine morning. You'd have to be mad not to love this. At the end of a storm, is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark.

So there you have it, the reasons why I love rain. We all have our reasons, for liking or not liking anything in life. But I think if you like more things and not-like less; it'll make life more sunnier. Shine on. :)


  1. I love rainbow, i love the smell of mud and i also love the droplets of rain. Besides these i love the smile in farmer's face when it rains (being Nepali and Nepal being an agricultural country). Nice post sis. :)

  2. When ever i m out and it rains the first thing that comes to my mind is "if i had wipers in my glass"........

    1. haha, may be they're going to make such glasses after all..take care gurl.

    2. Same here -- I mean, "My wish to have my glass with wipers". :D


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