*I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.*

Year 2003, "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" book released.

Year 2003, I started reading "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"; my very first from the series.

It was just another book for me, and since I had fallen into a habit of taking a book to wherever I went, I took it to school. I used to read it on the way, during classes and between them too. What I could ever have understood reading from the 3rd part of the series, I don't remember. We had one big library but it had one issue each of the 5 books. I had to wait forever for the first one. And yet, I managed to read all of them at least 3 times.

Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, ( Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon )
Those were magical days...of wishing there really was Hogwarts so that we could get on to Jacobite at the beginning of a school session, of drawing Hogwarts emblem wherever I could find an empty space, of making a scrapbook full of Harry Potter news clips, of knitting Gryffindor scarf, of knowing all the spells by heart, of carving wands out of sticks, of falling in love with Draco Malfoy, even though he was a vile little boy who caused nothing but trouble, of imagining being swept off by a phoenix to the magical land, of filling a year book with the characters, of fighting with friends (ALL being HP series maniacs) for the books...those were magical times indeed.

I still read the books if I have spare time, and still mull over the possibilities of a fantasy world which just might take me if I believe enough.

I don't know how old our Harry really is but for me he'll always be the 11 year old boy who grew to become 17 (and then some more) at the end of the series. I cannot thank J.K Rowling enough for opening up a world of happiness for me and the rest of the Harry-believing world. Happy Birthday to her and Harry too. You will always...always stay in our hearts.

*Mischief Managed*


  1. On Harry Potter , I as well thought it was just another book.Got nudged by my friend to watch all the movies ( got introduced at the end of the series , so reading it would be forever).And after watching it -quoting you I "mulled over the possibilities of a fantasy world which just might take me if I believe enough"..btw,I like this line!!

    1. Once you watch a movie (and a series at that), the interest to read the book somehow gets weak, cause you know everything there is to know, so there will be no fun in it. But I assure you that the movies, however awesome, will never even begin to be as fantastic as the books are. If not you, may be your children, right?

      P.S the fantasy world is out there for our taking..I am positive.


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