What we want most but what we use worst

There used to be a girl in my class back in school. She used to be quite bright. When I used to run in the opposite direction of home assignments, she used to seem too much eager to finish them off in the school hours itself. I used to wonder where she could muster such enthusiasm for work (as it was to me or pretty much everybody back then). I was an average student, always have been and I think, always will be. And I never have managed to develop any excitement for take-home work. Then one day I heard from someone that that girl used to finish her homework before she even got home because she wanted to have enough time to play when she got out of school. Dude! I mean, Wow!

That's what they say about life, isn't it? Work as much as you can, as hard you can, (when you can) and you can enjoy the shady days of your life without any difficulty. And it is also what we should do. Who is to say we'll be as fit tomorrow as we are today. Even if they say, Life is here and now, we should think about future too. But that is not to say, we ought to neglect today. We need to balance today and tomorrow so that we can enjoy both in equal measurements. Many a people cannot balance enjoying today and saving the fun for tomorrow. Some spend their better days slogging to save for the future and (by a cruel turn of fate, they perish in their early age); on the other hand, others don't manage to be prepared for the time when they really need it.

I had seen a picture some time ago which said, Youth is the time when you have time and zeal but no money, Middle age is when you have money and zeal but no time, and Old age is when you have money and time, but no zeal. That is sad, but true. However, with a little bit of planning we can balance the way things are and the way things can be. Time never waits for anyone, and it would be foolish to expect things to work out as we plan it. Expect changes and adjust accordingly. There might be an Ice Age, or the dreaded rumor about 2012 might just be true. You might survive every bit of calamity or you might just die this afternoon while helping an old lady cross the road. Staying happy and being content and yet, striving for the future at the same time is what I believe is best for us. Life, after all, can be what we make of it. And if you believe in God, then this is the right time to say, do your best and leave the rest on the One above.

P.S. isn't the hourglass scary?


  1. One cultural manager told us in middle school authentic story from New York, where he met Jewish rabbi and this manager came late. Then rabbi asked him:
    - How do You think: what is the most important thing in the world? -
    The manager answered:
    - I think the most important is health. -
    - Health? Today medicine can give health even dying people. -
    - So, maybe happiness is the most important? - asked manager.
    - Happiness? Something will be happiness for someone, and for someone else not. - answered rabbi.
    - So, maybe money, if so many people want to have more and more money? - asked manager.
    - Don't be stupid! - told rabbi. - The most important thing is time. -

    1. That is all well and good, but we have to think what time will mean to us if we don't have health, happiness, or money.


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