Where do I fit in the world of Music?

mu·sic [myoo-zik] noun : an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. So this is what Dictionary.com says music is. What is music to you? Music is relative to everybody. What music is to me might not be true to you and vice versa. Music, in one way or the other means a lot to everyone, whether or not you are related to creating/playing music. I belong to the second category; I play no musical instrument, do not sing, or write songs. I listen to music and appreciate it. Saw this meme in Google and thought, where would they put me? So where exactly do I belong? I do not belong to any genre. Recently, I took a test of sort and based on the nonsensical questions I answered (picked among the options), they put me in easy-listening category. Before that day, I did not even know there was such a musical genre. Truth be told, I do not have much kno...