Where do I fit in the world of Music?

mu·sic   [myoo-zik]  noun : an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

So this is what Dictionary.com says music is. What is music to you? Music is relative to everybody. What music is to me might not be true to you and vice versa. Music, in one way or the other means a lot to everyone, whether or not you are related to creating/playing music. I belong to the second category; I play no musical instrument, do not sing, or write songs. I listen to music and appreciate it.

Saw this meme in Google and thought, where would they put me?

So where exactly do I belong? I do not belong to any genre. Recently, I took a test of sort and based on the nonsensical questions I answered (picked among the options), they put me in easy-listening category. Before that day, I did not even know there was such a musical genre. Truth be told, I do not have much knowledge in the genres that are available today. There are so many that I can’t even tell this genre from that. Sure I can tell a hip-hop/rap from a rock, and an old song from new, but given the diversity in-between one genre itself makes it hard.  

There is this bizarre concept that you can only like one genre of music. I think it is very naive. You can like as many genres as there is available, although that kinda makes you "Jack-of-all-Master-of-none", but my opinion is that the genres are evolving through time and what you like today you might not like so much tomorrow. Also, there are so many genres that we are not even aware of them right now. May be there's a perfect genre of your choice being played somewhere but you don't even know it exists. I have met some people who have found their choice of genre late in life and they love it. 

I am also one of the Jack-of-all-Master-of-none people who love any and every kind of music. Alright, not every but many. There are however some genres of music that I am not too fond of. But you do not find me making fun of them. Like many people I have seen do. If they like their choice of genre so much, they should stick to it and to hell with what artists of other genres do. And then there are those people who absolutely don't want to listen to new music. They think old songs and singers are way better than the new generation, and they keep on comparing this artist with that artist. Old songs are great and everything but new songs are good too, if only we give them a listen.

I find it really funny the way rock/metal/jazz/blues and whatever other "cool" genre-loving "music-lover"s shun pop songs or Nepali folk songs even for that matter. You would think music binds us all, but looking at the way world is behaving right now, music is creating a division among people. Everybody has a musical preference, but I find it sad when someone tries to slam their choice of music to someone who has a different taste saying they are the BEST. Music is beautiful in any form, if not to you, to someone else.

The world needs to be armed of the tolerance and open-mindedness that actually helps music be the new religion. But I should not be even be bringing up religion here at all. Even God is divided and everybody is competing in trying to prove whose God is more superior and it's the same with music.

I'm like Pi from the book, Life of Pi. I love every God, even though I was born and brought up to be a Hindu. I love every God, and I love music notwithstanding the genres that divide it.


  1. Today, when I was travelling in my college bus, the driver continuously played soft remorseful to love type of songs. As usual many made sighs of discomfort in the whole journey. Surprisingly, I who did not go through such things in life enjoyed what the lyricist wanted to convene. Maybe, it didn't happen to me but it did happen to my friends so I could easily connect to them.

    When I was in Grade 6 , one of my friend was a great fan of Eminem, and later during SLC, he negated rap music, made fun of it while he sided with metal bands. I personally don't listen much to rap music, but I detested his dislike to rap music. And, after so many years, i was glad to see someone put some of those feelings in word. Thank You for that!!


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