Have a laugh and let’s move on. I have a life to live past 21-12-12.

December 21st is drawing near. It is already the 18th and the most talked about day in years is almost upon us. When the movie "2012" was released, it had looked like just another apocalypse flick that had scary scenes about people dying, buildings falling down, roads crashing, mountains melting all over the world through deadly natural disasters. I don't really remember the first time I got to learn about this phenomenon, but I don't have a memory of being scared by it at all. If the world is going to end, it will. There's nothing we can do about it. But it won't be another billion years till that happens, I am sure of it. There have been countless jokes about this issue. And we have had a good laugh. May be there are people who are seriously afraid of it actually happening. I also have thought about what I'll be missing should the world really end. But who hasn't? Anyone can die anytime. Could be tonight, could be after eighty years. Life is unpredictable and we sure think about worst case scenarios. 21-12-12 also being one of them. But taking them seriously is something else entirely.

People might become anxious about the event on may be a day before that. People like me. Or perhaps we'll just forget about it and remember it only on the very day. But I'm not counting on it because the Internet world is keeping a track of that. Yes. Only 2 days to go. We get it. It has been explained by the concerned parties that no, the world is not going to end because of this, this and this reason. And yet the world still asks, Will the world end on December 21, 2012? You may provide answer to that in as many languages and with as many facts; the world will still be pestering you till the 22nd. And then there will be more jokes about the world surviving an epic catastrophe. People love to talk about stuffs. It keeps them occupied. This is the cyber world where someone wants to make a joke about something and have a laugh; they'll come up with something that looks credible and the world, like the gullible sheep will follow them everywhere. 

World will not be ending anytime soon, at least not this year cause movies are being made, football clubs still have hopes to win more trophies, people are getting married, babies are being born, students are graduating, travelers have plans to explore the world, diseases are still to be cured, love is to be found by many, miracles still await. No, the world is not ending. But, like I said, the world needs something to talk about. So here are some interesting and funny memes I found over the Internet. Have a laugh and let’s move on. I have a life to live past 21-12-12.


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