The beauty of simplicity

I have been absent from blogging for a while now. Sadly, I cannot find the time for it. I have signed in today to post, not mine but, a guest’s article on how life should be simple and thus beautiful.  Enjoy!

The world of today is always competing on getting new, sophisticated and much more advanced things in the market so that it can dazzle everyone. Everyday some big company makes new machinery, new designed cars, high-tech cell phones that have never been thought of before. What I mean is people are so addicted to upgraded technology. The whole world shrinks in a device that fits in our palm.  We can keep in touch with almost everybody around every corner of globe in just a split of second. That’s how advance our world has become.

But when you think about it, the world is also getting more complicated simultaneously. Back in my school days, cell phones, laptops and cables weren't even introduced. We had to pay Rs 60 per hour just to surf Internet. Even desktop computers were too luxurious. The only way to pass time was to play with my cousins and school mates who lived close to my house because even micro buses weren't there. We used to play all sorts of games like football, cricket, basketball, and even marbles. We had to wait for Saturday just to watch a movie. Funny thing about Saturday was that roads would almost be empty just as in zombie movies, since all of the family members used to watch a movie in Nepal TV. This may be the reason why people were so social back then, because they didn't just fool around with their gadgets. I encourage my younger brothers to go out and play sports but they are always occupied by facebook and twitter. I feel really bad for them because for me it has always been more about exploring new places, testing my limits, (and when I was just a school boy) running as fast as I could to reach the canteen and be the 1st on line to eat just a plate of mo:mo. When people meet me, they see a guy with an old modeled motorcycle, carrying black and white cell phone that doesn't even have radio on it and wearing goldstar shoe. Even my friends ask me how I pass my time with such a phone? I find it very funny when people ask me such questions because for me life is more than just having expensive cell phones. I use my phone just to text and for incoming and outgoing calls which works just fine. I don’t have to carry my charger where ever I go cause once the battery is full it goes on for almost 4-5 days. I hate it when we are in a group and almost half the people are busy using their wifi. That really sucks.

What I mean to say is that we should embrace the life of simplicity, focus on the things that matter the most, use things for their core value. For instance, why buy expensive cars and bikes when the main cause is just to reach the place in time. Why buy expensive and most updated mobile phone when all it is for is to talk. I know some people may make fun of me for not having such gadgets. It’s not that I can’t afford it; it’s just that I have learned to be happy without it. It saves me a lot of time and money. I tend to enjoy my time with my family and friends, reading newspapers, discussing current affairs with my seniors at work than commenting on facebook. Let’s focus on making things simple. The more simple things are, the happier you will be cause once you embrace the beauty of simplicity life is going to be very beautiful. 

Nikesh Joshi is doing his Exec. Masters on Business Administration and works as a banker. He is an avid traveler, loves sports (playing and watching), fond of cycling, cooking and plays drums with a local band.


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