
Showing posts from September, 2014

Grass is always greener on the other side

When they said, "Don't grow up, it's a trap", I laughed at them. I thought being a grown up was the coolest thing ever. Who in their right mind would want to go back to being a helpless child who has to depend upon someone or the other for every other thing in their lives. I was happy being an adult. I was glad I was among the responsible half of the world who could make their own decisions and get to go places, do things, meet people without having to get permissions from nobody. Yeah, I was glad I was an adult.  But then I came in terms with the reality. Being an adult has its pros and its cons. Pros are the things I listed out earlier but there are more cons than I would like to admit. If my younger self were to see what I have turned into, the things that I have had to do in the name of being an adult then I'm not sure she would like me one bit.  Just recently I realised, I have been reading these realistic kind of books that are narrated by middle a...

You're great enough

It doesn't happen very often but there are times I wish I was taller. It will be an understatement if I said I was not tall. I am short. Like, just 5 feet tall-short. Although most of the times I am quite content with my height (I live in Sydney where there are people from all over the world, all sorts of people, which means, yes there are short people too; and before this I have lived my whole life in Kathmandu, Nepal, where the average height of Nepalese women is...well, not much). The only times I wish my legs were a tad longer is when I have to buy clothes like pants and skirts and they don't fit on most occasions. But this post shall not revolve around the things that I lack in life, contrarily, it will express the gratitude I feel for the things I have. I wish I was taller but I am thankful I am not a midget (no offence). I might be thin but I am not anorexic. I might have acnes and acne marks but I do not have serious skin diseases. My hair might be frizzy and dry...

Truth about beauty

Here is an unflattering picture I took of the Sydney Opera House on my way to work one day. Overhung clouds, greyish day, Opera out of the clear line of sight behind the bridge bar and not to mention the low quality of the picture. I guess the most beautiful of things have their own low moments. Perhaps from some other angle it might have looked prettier and more attractive, if the day had been sunnier, it might've seemed alluring, if I had been used a better camera, it surely might've had a chance of showing off how truly beautiful it actually is. But it didn't happen. And here we are looking at the famous Opera House, looking not-so picturesque. Here is a fabulous picture of Opera House for you though. ;)

For the love of reading

Last night as I lay down poring over the pages under the bright orangey lamp light, I was being nibbled by a feeling that the day had gone to waste. The day had been glorious. The sun was out and the sky had shone like new furniture. I was up early, too early for a day without work and classes. I had begun the day with the book. Like, I was up and had started reading without even getting up. After two hours of reading, I had been up and working out. For someone who is a huge fan of sunny days, whenever the morning graces with a bright sunlight, it is an open invitation for going out. And yet for someone who is also a big fan of reading, staying home and having a good read of a good book is equally tempting. I did go out for breakfast, and although I spent some time looking for places I could go, none fit the shoes of convenience. So I ended up laying down on my bed with sun pouring through the window, bright and warm, and reading. And I didn't just read. I lived three liv...

The best feeling in the world?

If I ask you what the best feeling in the world is, what will your answer be? Love? (Yes) Security? (Definitely) Accomplishment? (Without doubt) Happiness? (No question) But there is another thing that is also as important. Lets give you some scenarios to build on what I might be getting at. The other time I was caught in a downpour. Well, technically, I wasn't really caught-caught in it because I had a brolly with me, like I always do. But most other people were definitely caught in it. (oh, poor them) And in another instance, it started to get really chilly because of the wind in summer-ish time but I had my cardigan with me so I was cool. And then we have the classic exam time example. I am at my exam hall, I look at the questions and I go, wow I know the answers to these questions.  What I am getting at, is that one of the best feelings in the world is being prepared. Rain? Got a brolly. Chilly? Got a cardigan. Exam? I know the answers. Past these mundane life...

Wounds. They heal.

I recently had myself a gash. I am aware of how extreme that sounds but it had felt extreme at that point. I had cut my palm (accidentally) and I cannot forget how painful it had been. It had been a deep cut and I could actually see the inside of my skin if I moved my fingers in a certain way. It had hurt at the moment it had happened and had hurt for a long time since. It would hurt on every instance that I had to come in contact with water and it would hurt every so often I had to touch anything for that matter. I was in habit of constantly flinching thinking of the pain I would induce if I did this or if I did that. And then suddenly this morning I looked at my palm and saw that the skin that hung open had somehow been sealed shut. No matter how further back I inclined my palm, the abyss of a cut wouldn't appear, let alone open. I was clearly amazed at how our bodies can heal. It takes time but it does heal. Because it doesn't do to let a wound stay raw and painful. I...