Wounds. They heal.

I recently had myself a gash. I am aware of how extreme that sounds but it had felt extreme at that point. I had cut my palm (accidentally) and I cannot forget how painful it had been. It had been a deep cut and I could actually see the inside of my skin if I moved my fingers in a certain way. It had hurt at the moment it had happened and had hurt for a long time since. It would hurt on every instance that I had to come in contact with water and it would hurt every so often I had to touch anything for that matter. I was in habit of constantly flinching thinking of the pain I would induce if I did this or if I did that. And then suddenly this morning I looked at my palm and saw that the skin that hung open had somehow been sealed shut. No matter how further back I inclined my palm, the abyss of a cut wouldn't appear, let alone open. I was clearly amazed at how our bodies can heal. It takes time but it does heal. Because it doesn't do to let a wound stay raw and painful. It doesn't do to let a cut stop you from doing stuffs. It doesn't do to be in constant pain. 

And you know where I'm heading at. Like wounds, like heartbreaks. Everybody goes through some kind of a heart break in their lives. My heartbreak might not be the same as yours but it is heartbreak nonetheless. My cut may be shallower or it may be deeper. It may have been bloodier or not so. Trust me on this. Heartbreaks, no matter how painful, they will stop breaking your heart eventually. Because hey, hearts do not like staying broken for all their lives. They cannot stay in pain for ever so long. You might be hurting now, you might be cringing with the pain now, but one day you will wake up and find your heart healed and whole. 

Until then, stay awesome.


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