Building up life, moment by moment

Do you like to make every moment count? I know everybody wants to. (But on a second thought, most people don't even think about the moments, let alone going ahead and making efforts to make them count.) I'd like to think I do. But sometimes seeing the way I spend my "moments", I wonder if that is true at all. 

I just got back from a party. It was a Christmas party from work. I had not bothered going last year and until about 2 days ago, I wasn't going to attend this time either. But of late, I have been in a habit of changing my mind about too many things. so despite many obstacles, I ended up going after all.

Although I admit I did not "enjoy" myself like the people around me so obviously did, I had my own thing going on. I have read somewhere that, "No experience is a waste of time; If it doesn't give you what you want, it teaches you what you don't want." So, while people were busy merrymaking, I was busy realising what I didn't like about such occasions. First off, I am not really in my skin when I'm in a formal attire; make ups, tight dresses, sticky lip glosses, tiny clutches aren't my cup of tea. I am better off rocking a pair of runners than a pair of painfully teetering high heels. I'll take a few hours of hike or a walk alone in the woods than a sweaty dance floor with a bunch of strangers rubbing their sticky bodies on mine. I'm not a big fan of loud music, especially those that they play for the purpose of throwing your body aimlessly about. I am not a crowd person. I am big on eating. I don't want to have to pull my tummy in and starve myself in a party for fear of showing my waistline. And star lights. Star lights are a billion times better than disco lights. 

I am well aware that I am reckless with my moments, but "making every moment" is just a manner of saying. What makes moments count is not by trying to perfect them but by letting them do what they best - letting them be. They'll teach us lessons, give us happiness, allow us to learn to forgive, help us let go of things and people when the time comes, give us a hand in welcoming changes with love, gratitude and wide open arms. 


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