Does it hurt?

I'm a sucker for sunsets and I am a collector of experiences. This one time, I happened to be around the area from where we can have a spectacular sunset view (not every day). The sunset didn't disappoint. I watched the bright orb disappear behind the city line until my eyes hurt. The sky was perfect too (but aren't they always?) The sun had set but the sky never stopped looking beautiful. It was changing color in a way that no words will be able to describe.  At first the bright embers of the dying light played wonderfully, rendering the clouds yellow. The clouds looked as if they were set on fire, now dutifully following the sun’s instruction to keep the world bright. In a while they started looking reddish, the kind of red that reminds you of the outback, the reddish rocks, the reddish land and strangely, like a burn mark. And then after what felt like a couple of seconds, they looked purplish. That is when it looked to me like an angry bruise. The purplish streaks of cloud here and then some still bright red there, like welt wounds. It was a stupid thought, but I mused if the sunsets hurt like it seemed to me then. (It doesn’t, duh! I know but still for a moment I wondered)


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