How far will I go to avoid small talk? Very far.

I'm not a people person. And I'm not proud of it. My CV might say I am good with people but only I know how big of a lie that is. I mean if you come talk to me, I won't hiss and spit at you but I have been known to straight up pass people by on the street without so much as saying Hi or smiling. My reason being - I just don't like indulging in small talk, especially when I don't have to. You're from work, we'll talk at work. You're friend of a friend, we'll talk when that friend is around. We went to Uni together, that was so in the past - if we aren't in touch, then we probably shouldn't be.

There are so many measures I take in order not to have to go through the pain of small talk with someone, you'd be amazed. It's not because I don't like you or anything. It's not just you. It's everybody.

Here are a few of them-

  • The classic whipping out my phone to check something out
  • Looking the other way to suddenly be interested in the contents in the shop nearby
  • Turning around or changing direction
  • Looking inside my bag pretending to be looking for something, anything
  • Bowing my head so low, my chin is practically a part of my chest
  • There's something in my eyes, I have to take it out while I avoid having to have seen you
  • If I don't have time enough to whip out my phone, my book is always at hand. I start reading on the street.
  • Eyes glazing over, I literally "didn't" even see you
  • Eye contact and yet no hint of recognition (while inside I'm panicking I let it go this far)
  • My eyesight is shit, can't see - sorry

You see it's a lot easier for me to just avoid you than pretend I'm interested in chitchats. I'm not. Let's cut the bullshit and spare us both the awks. My commute time especially is my time, my book time. For the love of God, don't take that from me. I have my headphones on and my book is open, don't talk to me.


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