Confessions of an aspiring Plant Mum

Disclaimer :  I am not an expert, just an enthusiast.

Roughly a year and a half ago, I bought my first plant – a Lucky Bamboo. It seemed like a safe bet. And so it proved for a long time…a year and a month, to be precise. Not long after that, I braved another buy – a Peace Lily this time. It didn’t have a flower bud yet, but I was adamant I would be able to bring it to flower in time. It still hasn’t. Then a friend of mine gifted me my first Devil’s Ivy – a ‘propagation’. She took root fairly quickly. I was proud of the way she was growing so well. She grew 5 leaves so fast, and then suddenly she was losing all of her original leaves and she wouldn’t grow much further.

My Lucky Bamboo

My Devil's Ivy and her original leaves

The new leaves on my Ivy

Then I brought home a couple of succulents – a Jelly Bean and a Sedum Spathulifolium. Back then I used to live in this igloo of a house, so I managed to kill my precious Jelly Bean for the lack of sunlight. The other one, I gifted to my friend. He’s a terrible plant keeper and yet, he managed to keep it alive until a month ago when he decided he wasn’t having any of it anymore.

My Jelly Bean

I lost my first plant, my bamboo to a silly mistake I was to realize only months later. One of its leaves had started to turn yellow and naïve plant keeper that I was then, I ignored it and just under a year later, it plain died. It was only after I moved house that I started on my journey to become a plant mum. I managed to convince the friends that I had gone to live with that having alive plants in the house was a good idea, so off we went shopping. We got ourselves a Bamboo Palm, a Bird of Paradise, a Geranium and 3 succulents (still don’t know their names). I also got me Calla Lilies in full bloom.

I bought the one on the left. On the right is what remains of my old Lucky.

My Reed, all grown and handsome

Birdie with her new leaf in the middle

I’ve named the bamboo palm – Reed, he’s growing very well. Birdie has grown a new leaf and that’s kind of a big deal. I don’t think he’ll bear flowers any time soon but that’s fine by me. Geranium enjoyed her blossoms for a long time until the rain rendered her naked and now she’s sitting twiddling her thumb.

Succulent 1

Succulent 2

Succulent 3
A month later, I went and bought myself another set of Devil’s Ivy, this time – not so vine-y. At that time, I had it in my head that I could propagate plants so I took one of the stems and put it in water until it grew its own roots. And surprisingly, this one is doing quite well till now, growing 3 extra leaves already. My original Ivy, I transferred into soil which seemed to have the right effect because it started developing more leaves, albeit at a very slow pace. A week ago, I had to transfer it back to water because a part of the stem which had last leaves long time ago started rotting. I know it’s hard to say goodbye to the spectacular root system that grew under your supervision but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.  

New pothos
Propagated pothos

The same month, I got me Calathea Zebrina, a glorious indoor plant with leaves very vibrant and beautiful. I tried repotting her right away since her roots were showing from the drainage hole. Repotting her was a good idea but I made a silly mistake in choosing the new pot for her – the width was right, the problem was with the height. Zebrina suffered. Her roots clogged the new pot’s drain hole and the water wouldn’t drain, and that ate away at the plant. Her leaves started to turn yellow and they look like they’re being burnt slowly. I moved her back to her old pot but she’s not the same anymore. She’s slowly dying and there’s nothing I can do but to watch her die. Also, Calla isn’t the same after her flowers wilted. May be she isn’t meant to live beyond one season of blooming, may be I’m not working well enough for her. She’s there at a corner with Zebrina, both succumbing to slow death while all I can do is pray for their misery to be over.

Zebrina on the day I brought her home

A week after I got Zebrina, I got Anyamanee. She is beautiful, this girl. She’s got these pretty leaves that have pinkish design that aren’t exactly polka dots and they aren’t swirls. And she’s doing great. Her leaves still look vibrant and she’s growing more. 

My Anya

By now, I had been watching quite a lot of videos on caring for plants, propagating them, selecting best kind of plants for people like me and most importantly, I’d been watching people parading their own plants. My propagation ventures were working only for pothos (ivy) and I was failing miserably on propagating succulents. That didn’t dishearten me though because then I went on to snip the tip of Snake Plant from work and plant it at home. Salazar hasn’t died on me yet and it has been more than a month. I don’t know if he’s taken root or not. I’m waiting for him give me signs of new life and I’m told it’ll take time. And I am patient.

The last one I’ve added to my collection is a succulent by the name of Gasteria Caranita var Verrrucosa. I know, that’s a mouthful, so I’ll go by the name of February since I got him on Valentine’s Day.

February looking shy

Apart from these, I’ve had a few unsuccessful batches. But I won’t be going into the gory details of how they died on me. I will however not forget to mention my three may be’s that I actually planted, as in with the seed – a batch of coriander, a marigold and a couple of chillies. And they’re growing painfully slowly. But the obsessive plant mum that I have grown to become, I don’t love them any less and I always make sure I am on track of their developments, little they might be. 

Now, after all that is said and done, I still don't dare boast that I am good with plants. I am always on the lookout for the brown spots, yellowing leaves, any sign that might suggest the plants need some trimming. I also haven't dared buy any more fussy plants. I give out recommendations to other wanna-be plant people like I am any more knowledgeable than they are. I ogle at the plants at other people's homes like pet lovers coo at other people's pets they pass on the street. I am always planning on the next plant I might add to my almost-jungle-y bedroom. I come home to congratulate on the growth of my babies and talk words of encouragement. And mostly I am very thankful for having taken the path of this 'relationship', that is closest to parenthood I have ever come so far.

This is a different Lily than the one mentioned above. I got her for the said friend but he couldn't keep her a week, not even to humor me.
PS. After I finished writing this blog, my flatmate gifted me my very own Monstera Deliciosa, which I was looking to buy for a long time. I've named him Hurricane.

Plants make me a happy human


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