Twitter Tantrum

"Out of sheer boredom, I made my sister start watching Game of Thrones. I am watching it again with her. More than the series, I'm enjoying seeing her reactions."

"I've made her cry her first tears with the first important death already."

"Watching my sister cringe at some of the characters, leap with joy at some of the triumphant moments and hide behind me at the gory scenes is what I look forward to each day."

I thought about tweeting these but for some reason, I refrained myself. I mean who would I be directing these tweets to? In fact, who do I generally direct my tweets to? Sure, I have 800 odd followers in Twitter which I have gathered over a decade. And the most likes my tweets have ever gotten so far are from the retweets they got from people who have a lot of active followers. And here's the thing about twitter. It's not the most popular of social networking platforms. Sure, it piqued curiosity around the time it came into the market and that I believe is when I amassed the larger part of my now mostly inactive followers. People come and people go but they hardly destroy the evidence that they were here. They open accounts, look around, don't like what they see or in most cases, don't understand what they see, and they just leave. I know, most of my friends and acquaintances did.

I have a handful of people I have known and who have been around the entirety of my time in twitter. I'm not sure if I can call them friends but I know more about them than I know of most of my acquaintances, and they probably know more about me than what they know of their own acquaintances, thanks to the rant-marathon I resort to at times. There was a time I used to tweet anything and everything, but now I don't. Why don't I? For starters, there is too much familiarity associated, and also, I've noticed most of my tweets are just self-obsessed I-this and I-thats, and that is all the more reason why I feel I shouldn't tweet at all. But that is not to say I don't like it when people write self-obsessed tweets. Twitter is always a jolly place to be at; in fact, I use twitter more than any other platform as my source of entertainment. I turn to twitter for news, for information, for advice, for football banter and always for some chuckle. And when it feels like my self-obsessed rants aren't well described by mere 280 characters, I turn to blogging.

If you made it this far, I have a fun update for you; my sister has finished watching Game of Thrones and she is truly traumatized. But thank Heavens, she's not nearly as heartbroken as those who spent years of their lives speculating and got their hopes burnt down with D and D's rushed season 8 ending. She does go back to listening to Ramin Djawadi's music when she's feeling particularly self-destructive but that's the extent of damage that was caused by her weeks spent/lost.


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